Plotline is a school devoted to nurturing, encouraging, teaching creative and critical thinking, time and resource management, constructive communication and achieving shared goals as a team. Coincidentally, all of those skills are highly valued and applicable to most other professions too.
Historically filmmaking has been limited to a select few who were granted access to film cameras, development, and other high equipment costs by studios who had a rigid commercial agenda. As a result, that knowledge and privilege was reserved for an elite minority. With the advent of digital recording, continual improvements as well as diminishing costs; the opportunity for the general public to become involved in filmmaking is here. The number one obstacle is education.
Unlike a university, there are no prerequisites required to enroll. Classes range from the absolute beginner to experienced and advanced students. Lessons are taught by professional film and media makers. Scholarships are available.
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.