Downtown Springfield Association

The Venues at 425

425 West Walnut Street, Springfield, MO, USA
(417) 887-6922

More Than >

Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at 425 W. Walnut St. Springfield, MO

Then, turning to his disciples, Jesus said, “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear.  For life is more than food, and your body more than clothing.  Look at the ravens. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! Luke 12:22-24


What is More Than?

The More Than experience at 425 strives to be the intuitive next step between the large group gathering on Sunday mornings at Battlefield and the most intimate conversations you have with your dearest group of friends. We will do this through three intentions:

1 – We will have more engagement than Sunday morning – those who attend on Thursday night should engage in more than small talk with those they see. Questions like “how’s the weather?” get replaced with “how’s your kid” or “how did the presentation go at work this week?” The goal is they experience the end point of the teaching from Sunday.

2 – We will have more sustenance than a snack – we will intentionally serve the middle ground of food. It’s not airplane snacks but it’s not a full meal. The end goal is for people to leave at the end of the night and go to a local establishment to continue the discussion.

3 – We will have more entry points than small groups – we know it can be hard to get into a group once it’s already started. That’s why the focus on Thursday nights will be open discussion groups. While there will often be a method (book study, movie, etc.) that goes along with the week that helps people engage more deeply, someone who shows up for the first time will still be able to contribute and learn. The goal is that people can establish connections through these discussions.


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The Venues at 425

425 West Walnut Street, Springfield, MO, USA

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