March, 27 2023 | 7:30 pm
541 E. St. Louis Springfield, Missouri 65806[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22discovery_local_tab%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D
People assume that trivia is a strict progression from question to question, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more a big ball of wobbly-wobbly timey-wimey FUN! You’re invited to a fun trivia night all dedicated to DOCTOR WHO! The trivia primarily be focusing on the comeback of Doctor Who (2005-present) but some questions may just surprise you!! Come check it out in the Corner Pocket located inside of Billiards of Springfield! Prizes and drink and food specials are plentiful!