March, 2 2024 | 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
1147 E. Grand St. Springfield, MO 65897
$15 Adults; $12 Students/Seniors; special advance purchase discounts for students with MSU ID.
In a post-apocalyptic world, the power grid has failed and society has crumbled. Around a campfire, a group of survivors recall the culture they once shared, homing in on the “Cape Feare” episode of The Simpsons TV show, in which Side Show Bob plots to murder Bart Simpson. In the end, Bart prevails through sheer chutzpah. This gives the survivors hope. Over time, the re-enacted story evolves into a mythic form, with Mr. Burns as the villain who destroys civilization by sabotaging the nuclear power plant and Bart as an archetypal hero! An imaginative dark comedy, Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play explores the role of storytelling and live theatre in shaping our culture.