Downtown Springfield Association
Sensory-Safe Trick-or-Treat

Sensory-Safe Trick-or-Treat

October, 29 2023 | 3:00 pm

601 E St Louis St Springfield, Missouri 65806


Join TheraCare – powered by The Arc of the Ozarks – for the 8th Annual Sensory-Safe Trick-or-Treat on Sunday, October 29 at the Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Mosque!
Registration is required as families will have time slots for trick-or-treating so that sensory stimulation can be kept at a minimum. Children will have the oportunity to practice their trick-or-treating skills in a safe, calm environment. Volunteers, along with some awesome local businesses and other non-profits will be there to pass out some fun treats! Candy and non-candy options will be available for trick-or-treaters. A separate area for snacks and fun games will be set up, also!
EACH FAMILY must register for a single time slot but admission is free!