Cheer on the Springfield Cardinals as they take on the Arkansas Travelers at Hammons Field, May 2-7. And don’t miss out on special game highlights:
Fans 21-and-up can enjoy drink specials on all adult beverages during the first 30 minutes after gates open!
Fans, 21-and-up, can enjoy drink specials on all adult beverages all game, EVERY Thursday night game this season!
Halfway to Halloween Costume Dress-Up Pregame Parade on May 5: Fans are invited to wear their favorite Halloween costumes and participate in a pregame costume parade around Hammons Field.
Half-Way to Halloween Specialty Jersey Auction Benefiting Isabel’s House on May 5 & 6: The Cardinals will wear special Half-Way to Halloween jerseys, which will be available for auction starting tonight. Proceeds will benefit Isabel’s House.
The first Fans-On-Field Fireworks Celebration of the season is going to be spook-tacular!