January 2025 Closures
• Walnut st. will have periodic closures between South ave. and Campbell ave. on Monday and Tuesday, January 27-28 for building supplies to be lifted into the upper stories of a building being rehabbed. The road will be opened nightly when work is not being done.
Renew Jordan Creek Project Closures
• Construction for the Renew Jordan Creek project is set to begin fall 2024 and is scheduled to last approximately two years. A completion date is forecasted in late 2026. Due to the magnitude of the project, the City of Springfield anticipates year-long closures of both N. Boonville Avenue and N. Campbell Avenue between Water and Mill Streets that will impact
through traffic on these roadways. However, the City of Springfield’s Project Team has carefully coordinated construction phasing to ensure these major closures will not happen at the same time. Renew Jordan Creek aims to revitalize and enhance an area of downtown Springfield. This project will “daylight” a portion of Jordan Creek, bringing it to the surface to reduce flooding, improve water quality and create a vibrant urban amenity.